


Kerem Ozan BAYRAKTAR, Strands

조회 2,214

관리자 2021-09-15 15:17

  1. Kerem Ozan BAYRAKTAR, <Strands>, 2021, Mixed media, Two-channel video, Sound, 6 min 18 sec (left), 1 min 52 sec (right), Played on loop, Dimensions variable


For Sea Art Festival 2021, Bayraktar focuses on the complex dynamics between the ecology of the Ilgwang Sea and the fishing village, presenting a multimedia installation with the commonly found sea eel as its motif. The two videos in <Strands> contain a 3D rendering created based on research about the unique habits of sea eels as well as a scene wherein a local fisherman weaves eel hooks. Through nylon nets, cables, tarpaulin, and other objects, Bayraktar’s installation forms a mysterious habitat that immerses us into the dark, labyrinthine world of eels. Through <Strands>, the artist not only experiments with the possibility of redesigning the ideological hierarchy between humans and non-humans, but also the interrelations among inorganic objects, living bodies, and digital media.