


RYU Yejun, Archipelago of Dream-Folds

조회 1,753

관리자 2021-09-15 14:57

  1. RYU Yejun, <Archipelago of Dream-Folds>, 2021, Fiber reinforced plastic, Urethane foam, Steel frames, 300 x 1125 x 750 cm

Archipelago of Dream-Folds

In this series of five islands, Ryu creates a liminal space where dismembered human body parts enfold into coral-like colonies on Ilgwang Beach.  As visitors approach this work, the uncanniness of these beautiful islands begins to reveal itself in the fold of elbows, knees, thighs, and backs embedded within the dreamy tones of the coral ecologies. Ryu mimics the respective textures of coral using urethane foam and human skin from a particular casting process. Considering the hybridity of islands, a site where the human and non-human are fluid temporal and spatial categories, Ryu sculpts her particular iteration of Foucault’s notion of heterotopia. As visitors walk among these islands, <Archipelago of Dream-Folds> unravels the potential for re-imagining how human and non-human bodies might assemble within one another. 

RYU Yejun→