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Hannah BLACK

조회 1,370

관리자 2020-09-05 11:16

Born 1981 in Manchester, UK

Lives in Paris, France

Hannah BLACK, Beginning, End, None, 2017, Three-channel HD video, color, sound, 10min 11sec

Hannah BLACK is a visual artist and writer, whose work spans video, text, and performance. Drawing on radical feminist thought, Marxist theory, and theoretical approaches to studies of racism, Black’s work examines the social restrictions imposed on her own body and how these rules and mores are inscribed on the body. Here the body functions as a snare in that subsumed as it is to gender, race, and ethnicity, it effectively predetermines the social position and role assigned to the person. Black is interested in impasses and overlaps between world and personal history, and between social coercion and the reality reproduced by such coercion. Autobiographical fragments are combined with theoretical material, and translated through contemporary iconography and music.