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관리자 2020-09-05 11:13

Born 1985 in Paris, France

Lives in Paris

Neïl BELOUFA, Global Agreement, 2018, Mixed media

Courtesy Kamel Mennour

The work of Neïl BELOUFA plays on art mechanisms of production, circulation, and reception. Whether showingartlike clothes on a catwalk with the models replaced by collectors, or building a research exhibition on the ambiguous place of art in the era of global capitalism, Neïl BELOUFA rejects all binary discourses in which one needs to choose sides. Things are complex and nuanced, and the artist is trying to question power structures starting from a critique of his own position.

As he states, “my work is about reflecting on the representation of the world, and how by accepting to be part of it, you can create small possibilities from the inside. I take an existing system and push it towards the absurd until it reveals how it functions for the spectator to relate with it differently.”

For the Busan Biennale 2020, whichtakes place after the COVID-19 crisis and the collapse of the art market, the artist conceived of a project to enable his studio to continue running with his collaborators being paid. He suggested the production of an exhibition online in the form of a game that allows him to think about new ways to produce art for a wider audience rather than spending time and money on logistics and transport. His ambition is to consider the internet as an artistic media rather than just a communication tool.