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JUNG Yoonsuk

조회 1,435

관리자 2020-09-05 13:34

Born 1981 in Seoul, South Korea

Live in Seoul


JUNG Yoonsuk,The Home of Stars, Single channel video, color, sound, 12min 8sec


JUNG Yoonsuk is among the few people who have succeeded working both as a visual artist and film director, managing to merge his interest in documentary with art-making. Focusing on social, political, and other potentially sensitive issues, JUNG acts as a fly on the wall and observes, develops narratives, and makes information available to the viewer without taking a specific or critical stance for or against the subject he is examining.

The video and installation The Home of Stars (2010) is an example of JUNG Yoonsuk’s earlier work that the artist produced in the iconic former headquarters of the Defense Security Command. Here JUNG projected political images of the 1980s on all four walls of the infamous and controversial building, and by doing so he reminded the viewer of the recent Korean history, the struggles and vulnerability of democracy.