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관리자 2020-09-05 13:09

Born 1992 in Wardak, Afghanistan

Lives in Kabul, Afghanistan and Ghent, Belgium


Aziz HAZARA, Eye in the Sky, 2020, Single channel video installation, color, sound, 5min 9sec

Courtesy of the artist and the Han Nefkens Foundation

Produced by the Han Nefkens Foundation 

In collaboration with Hassan, Shoeib, Murtaza, Sajjad, Mujtaba, Sajjad

Through photography, videos, sound, texts, and installations Aziz HAZARA investigates questions of identity, memory, archive, conflicts, landscape, migration, and surveillance in the context of power relations and geopolitics. HAZARA explores the politics of representation in his native country Afghanistan and the country’s history, which has been haunted by internal regional and international power struggles. The conflicts have been embedded in education, childhood, and daily life in Afghanistan. Dealing with emotionally sensitive material in his practice, a work like Monument (2019) takes us right into the heart of a conflict zone and wounds of the country’s history.