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관리자 2020-09-05 15:09

Born 1970 in Lusaka, Zambia

Lives in London, UK


Carey YOUNG, The Vision Machine (still), 2020, Single-channel video, color, sound, 13min 27sec

© Carey YOUNG. Courtesy Paula Cooper Gallery, New York

Carey YOUNG’s research-based practice explores the relationships between the body, language, rhetoric, and systems of power. By using tools from both conceptual art and institutional critique, she develops videos, performances, and installations that often originate from collaborations with private enterprises and experts like lawyers, advisors, or psychologists. For Declared Void II (2013), she reflects on immigration and the possibilities of citizenship. A sentence on a wall invites the viewer to choose whether or not they wanted to be considered a US citizen by entering a black square zone drawn on the wall. Legal definitions, subjectivity, and performativity of law are then put into question, revealing juridical voids that could be opportunities to escape or change the law. It would take a daily effort by everyone to take positions against immigration restrictions or nationalist enclosures.

Newly produced for the Busan Biennial 2020, the film The Vision Machine further develops concerns about women, the gaze, framing, and power, that she previously explored in the work Palais de justice (2017).