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Nathaniel MELLORS

조회 1,564

관리자 2020-09-05 15:56

Born in 1974, Doncaster, United Kingdom

Lives in Amsterdam and Los Angeles

Nathaniel MELLORS, Cannibal Components (A Ruined Table), 2016, Mixed media, variable dimensions


Nathaniel MELLORS makes absurd and satirical sculptures, photographs, films, and installations. MELLORS is inspired by genres such as science fiction, horror, mythology, anthropology, and films that some may categorize as kitsch or b-movies. In his 5-episode series Ourhouse (2010-ongoing) we follow the eccentric Maddox-Wilson family whose lives are destabilized when their house (‘Ourhouse’) is occupied by “The Object,” whom the family fail to recognize as a human-being, each perceiving a different form in its place. “The Object” yields strange power over words and begins to eat the family’s books; processing their story inside its guts. Each episode of the series is determined by the texts “The Object” consumes, half-digests and sicks-back-up. All in all, these theatrical characters with either minimal or overdone make-up creates a psychedelic experience of timelessness. MELLORS writes the scripts, directs, and produces the television sitcom-like videos, and furthermore he composes and plays the music that may appear in his works.

Besides previous sculptures, including one of his early animatronic sculpture titled The Vomiter (2010)–a bizarre, robot-like sculpture that continuously is throwing up–MELLORS have created the new sculpture Horrific Object (2020).