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관리자 2020-09-05 12:12

AN Chorong, Born 1987 in Busan, South Korea

KIM Juwon, Born 1981 in Seoul, South Korea

Live in Seoul

CO/EX, Charlie, Echo, Triestero, 2020, Mixed media installation, variable dimensions

For each of their works and installation CO/EX produces a somewhat dry conceptual framework with defined and displayed rules. They create new approaches and methods to obstruct and challenge their own image production, display, and digital media environment. CO/EX take photographs as a method of testing and questioning the overflow of images and their own generation of digital natives. In their installations, CO/EX display a contract which details the process, schedule, plan, and concept of the work exhibited. Their contract adds another conceptual layer to CO/EX’s virtual characters, Charlie and Echo, because they mime conceptual art contracts—like The Artist's Reserved Rights Transfer and Sale Agreement by Seth Siegelaub—from the 1960s and early 70s, when artists used contracts and certificates to make desired rights and method transparent in both humorous and critical ways.