조회 1,832
관리자 2020-09-24 14:41
KIM Ildu, Musician
Kim Ildu is Korean musician and songwriter active in Busan, currently a member of the funk band ‘GENIUS’ and formerly a member of following bands; ‘SUSPENS,’ ‘난봉꾼들,’ and ‘MAMASON.’ Also well known as a folk singer-songwriter, KIM is known for his use of descriptive and narrative lyrics, unconventional melody, and also his distinctive accent of Busan dialect. His music is recognized for its particular ambience created by his deep voice and the relatable lyrics. Beginning with his solo debut album No Problem (2010), he has released 곱고 맑은 영혼 (2013), and 달과 별의 영혼 (2015), which was completed as the ‘영혼(soul)’ trilogy with the release of the last album 사랑에 영혼 in 2019.