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KANG Jungsuck

조회 1,548

관리자 2020-09-05 14:47

Born 1981 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives in Seoul


KANG Jungsuck, The Hard Problem, 2020, Single channel video, UHD, color, stereo, approx. 38min

Having grown up with the rise of K-pop, gaming culture, and the Internet, KANG Jungsuck’s sculptures, videos, installations, and publications explore everyday activities changed by the emergence of ultra-small sensors, big data, algorithms, and advent of planetary smartification. KANG is interested in the structural similarities between today's world and video games, which are embraced by the feedback loop of technology.

KANG built the exhibition in a video game engine, played the game, and then transferred the objects and traces to the physical exhibition space. KANG's work raises timely and important questions about subjective judgments and cognitive possibilities in daily life, which are saturated with more and more sensors today.