조회 2,208
관리자 2020-09-15 18:06
I Had a Single Song
The text is comprised of three voices, ‘I,’ ‘his,’ and ‘the third’ and the words by three characters overlap and intermingles throughout the story. The main character, I, meet a big family in the middle of a long journey. ‘I’ was riding a bus, and a big family of 20 women asked the bus driver if there is a seat available for a dead baby. The driver shook his head and refused to let them on board the bus. The driver added that they are going home to bury the body of their youngest daughter. ‘I’ looked at the women and recalled the memories of I’s own childhood. The female actress dies of a sudden seizure during a performance. The audience think her death is a part of the play, and the follow actor continues the play even after noticing her death. After the play ends, the actor—who is worried about being convicted as a murderer—carries the body to her house where she lives alone. He seat the body on a couch, wipes the blood of her mouth with a wet handkerchief and squeezed a few drops of water into her mouth with the suspicion that she might revive from the dead; however, there is no reaction. The story presents different stages of loss, mourning, and grief.
BAE Suah, Novelist
BAE Suah is a novelist and a translator born in 1965 in Seoul, Korea. In 1993, she published her first short story and has been presenting full-length novels, short stories, essays, etc. After publishing a short story collection, Snake and Water in 2018, she has been transferring her works into recitations which have been performed several times. One of her most recent work is 『멀리 있다 우루는 늦을 것이다』 and she has been working with the director Werner Fritsch on the filmpoem project FAUST SONNENGESANG and participated as a reader in FAUST SONNENGESANG III (2018) and IV (2020).
Audio Book (Click)