The Busan Biennale is a biannual international contemporary art show that integrated three different art events held in the city in 1998: the Busan Youth Biennale, the first biennale of Korea that was voluntarily organized by local artists in 1981; the Sea Art Festival, an environmental art festival launched in 1987 with the sea serving as a backdrop; and the Busan International Outdoor Sculpture Symposium that was first held in 1991. The biennale was previously called the Pusan International Contemporary Art Festival (PICAF) before it launched.
The biennale has its own unique attribute in that it was formed not out of any political logic or need but rather the pure force of local Busan artists’ will and their voluntary participation. Even to this day their interest in Busan's culture and its experimental nature has been the key foundation for shaping the biennale’s identity.
This biennale is the only one like it in the world that was established through an integration of three types of art events such as a Contemporary Art Exhibition, Sculpture Symposium, and Sea Art Festival. The Sculpture Symposium in particular was deemed to be a successful public art event, the results of which were installed throughout the city and dedicated to revitalizing cultural communication with citizens.The networks formed through the event have assumed a crucial role in introducing and expanding domestic art overseas and leading the development of local culture for globalized cultural communication. Founded 38 years ago, the biennale aims to popularize contemporary art and achieve art in everyday life by providing a platform for interchanging experimental contemporary art.
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관리자 2018-08-21 11:58
Prologue of Europa, Single channel video, Excerpt from 113min, 1991, Licensor: Zentropa
Lars von TRIER
Prologue of Europa
At the Busan Biennale, the opening “hypnosis” sequence of Europa(1991) will be on display, the final film in the trilogy of the same name. Though less controversial than von Trier’s subsequent work—in particular the extremely difficult “Depression” series—Europa is an aggressively stylized depiction of good-intentions spiralling into dark consequences. By way of dramatic black and white film and a theatrical combination of live actors and back-projections, the film depicts a young American man visiting postwar Germany with reconciliatory intentions, only to become ensnared in a Neo-Nazi plot. In the opening sequence shown in Busan, we see the loaded image of spotlit railroad tracks speeding through the night, as the voice of Max von Sydow narrates, hypnotizing the proverbial traveller—and viewer—en route into some mythic Europe. This sequence becomes an ominous introduction to this Biennale’s theme—one that resonates unmistakably with the nightmarish and surreal resurgences of far-right nationalism.