

Rohini DEVASHER, Glasshouse Deep

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관리자 2021-09-15 15:20

  1. Rohini DEVASHER, <Glasshouse Deep>, 2021, Single-channel video, 14 min 23 sec, Played on loop

Glasshouse Deep

Devasher’s work envisions a theater of diatoms projected onto Ilgwang Beach. Diatoms are unicellular oceanic algae that cannot be seen even with a microscope and yet are crucial actors within our ecosystem, producing about a quarter of all oxygen on Earth.  Images of diatom specimens from various seasonal cycles in the East Sea were compiled by researchers from the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology headquartered in Busan which were sent to Devasher to produce this work. Chimeral creatures, diatoms possess both a photosynthetic ability like plants but also animal-like urea cycles. Generating a complex assemblage of technological and organic processes, <Glasshouse Deep> exhumes these omnipresent but invisible interrelations, projecting the watery sub-microscopic creatures onto a terrestrial stage, bringing these tiny beings to a planetary scale.