

Sea Art Festival 2013

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2013 Way-Out

Read 4,445

관리자 2013-09-02 20:12




The act of drawing becomes an indexical trace in Kim and Seo's work, recording an attempt to forge a space of expressive and creative freedom. Drawing affords the artists a restorative release from emotional and mental stress, allowing subconscious feelings and the repressed to surface in order to be sublimated, producing therapeutic catharsis. The release drawing offers may, the artists seem to suggest, carry into daily reality, creating sites of freedom within the everyday.

Though seemingly simple and direct the drawn lines create complex forms. Drawing serves as the ideal vehicle through which to express ideas, emotions, ideals and dreams, transforming difficulties and problems into images imbued with beauty and hope. Kim and Seo's act of drawing seeks to deliver both artists and viewers from the hardships and oppression of everyday life.