

Sea Art Festival 2013

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2013 Sally!

Read 4,660

관리자 2013-09-02 20:04



steel, wood

‘Sally!’ uses the image of the Robot Taekwon V from the 1970's, 80's and 90's Korean animated movies of the same name. The character brings to mind the simple and perhaps even naive worldview inherent in these animated superhero movies, the binary of good guys and bad guys with Robot Taekwon V standing for all that is right and good. The work taps into the promise embodied in the idea of the superhero and the cinematic happy ending-- in the movie Robot Taekwon V comes crashing through the roof of the Korean parliament building, bringing safety, justice and peace.

The work seeks to rekindle these beliefs and, through the fictional character of Robot Taekwon V, offer an optimistic message for the future. Harnessing the nostalgia the movie evokes, ‘Sally!’ allows one to reconsider historical and personal memory and reflect on the the ways in which the future is imagined and formed.