

Sea Art Festival 2017

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2011 The head of Venus

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관리자 2013-03-25 13:21

The head of Venus

The head of Venus
Everything in this world is an illusion and a substance at the same time. What is built is bound to collapse. Everything that is living is bound to die. Beauty is beautiful because it is not beauty. A desire can be desired as it is not a desire. Futility is futile because it is not futile.The artist makes a sand sculpture of the head of Venus. Placed on the beach to look down at the people there, Venus will show off her beauty by adorning herself and expressing her desires. The beautiful Venus that we think would be there forever will collapse and be broken by the intense sunlight, wind, rain, people and time, and finally become a handful of sand. The sand will become dust, scattered and blown into the world. But someone said that a particle of dust contains the entire universe. The artist believes that the sand of desire which became dust can cover the world, creating a new shape, that the illusion of a futile desire can make the world a more beautiful place. For this reason, the traces of the collapsed and broken Venus will be beautiful as well.